The Day My Pink Skirt And I Ditched Work

One quick phone call to Lila the school secretary resolved thought number one. Thought number two wasn't as easily resolved. Here is why: My mother taught me to have a winter wardrobe and a summer wardrobe and until the day I die I cannot depart from it. So my pink skirt was packed away, as of Labor day (the big wardrobe switching day!) in my summer wardrobe box. I knew I was too hasty sending my pink skirt packing, but anyway, I placed it on top of the container in case I had second thoughts. Which I did, and funny enough, this morning my pink skirt was my second thought.
So this pink skirt, that I bought on the Sabbath, has become my the very best of my comfort clothes. You have comfort food, Courtney has comfort clothes. I also have two pairs of cargo sweats that are beaten to hell and I still wear them just about every day (rotation). Ask Thai Chili Garden, they see them all the time. My niece Emma Florence, who has a destiny to grow up to be me (she says "I don't mind at all" but if she only knew what that entails...) has comfort pajamas, pink with red lady bugs. So that is the way it goes for some of us.
Not to get gross but my intestinal situation has a lot to do with just how much I wear my comfort clothes. On a clear day I wear my BR jeans. On a stuffy day, it's the hot pink skirt and/or sweats. As I am typing this I am in my cargo sweats (2) and so now you know what kind of a day it is. And also, now too much information has been passed your way.
This skirt isn't especially cute per se. But it is stretchy and comfortable (please say that word with a French accent when you read that line -thank you). I would wear it everyday, even if I look like the month of June. That is what my mother says when you haven't put your summer clothes away and it's November. Sorry, but I think my pink skirt gets an exemption card.
This is what my pink skirt and I did today: Went shopping for Visiting Teaching gifts because it's the end of the month, stopped by Walmart for my Christopher, went pants shopping (it slides on and off so easily!), viewed the film "Corpse Bride" (B-), took a nap, made a killer Waldorf salad without cheese, watched a riveting show on the travel channel about Hawaii with that extra nerdy hostess that wears bikinis but has NO sex appeal and never will, ate pita chips and hummus, had a photo shoot so that I could post the picture to this blog AND watched a segment of Sesame Street with Kofi Annan

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day (if you know what I mean) cause I can't wear my pink skirt two days in a row. According to my mother, that is worse than not having a seasonal wardrobe at all.